- 2021年投资调查
- 关于我们
- 成为投资者(第1部分,共2部分)
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- 首页
- 投资调查
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- 我们的团队
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- 评论
- 安全性
- 条款与条件
- 我们买房子
- 欢迎来到迈阿密!
- Smartland 基于年龄的投资配置计算器
- 初级维护技术员
- 行政助理
- CADD技术员
- 物业经理
- 项目经理
- 持证HVAC技术员
- 维修承包商
- 租户支持
- 市场助理
- 催收专员
- 维修调度员
- 住宅油漆工和石膏板工
- 人力资源助理
- 普通工人
- 维修协调员
- 租赁代理
- 视频编辑
- 初级会计助理
- 房地产维修总监
- 初级系统管理员
- 数字内容经理
- 投资者关系专员
- 房地产经纪人助理
- 高级区域建筑经理
- 维修总监助理
- 运营总监
- Smartland | Ep 10 Get To Know: Vladimir Nemchinov, Director of Maintenance
- Smartland | Ep 9 Get To Know: Bridget Hambleton, Leasing Agent
- Smartland | Ep 8 Get To Know Equity Trust, Special Guest John Bowens
- Smartland | Ep 7 Get To Know: Elder Williams, Leasing Agent
- Smartland | Ep 6 Get To Know: Shay Beecham, Property Manager
- Smartland | Ep 5 Get To Know: Paul Fuller, Property Manager
- Smartland | Ep 4 Get To Know: Steven Gesis, COO / EVP
- Smartland | Ep 3 Get To Know: Jerome Henderson, Maintenance Supervisor
- Smartland | Ep 2 Get To Know: Valerie Couch, Director of Property Management
- Unlocking Investment Potential: Trends, Markets, and IRA Strategies
- Part 7: Investing In Times of Uncertainty Our 2023 Outlook
- Part 6: 2022 End Of The Year What’s Trending In The Market
- Part 5: Real Estate Funds vs. Syndications
- Part 4: The Commercial Debt Market is Crashing. How to Leverage the Current Market Conditions
- Part 3: Skip the Crowd Funding Platform and Work Direct With an Owner/Operator Instead!
- Part 2: Webinar Recording – Fir Hill Towers Apartments
- Part 1: Webinar Recording – Fir Hill Towers Apartments
- Colony Apartments, 153-unit Multifamily Value-Add Investment Webinar
- Shorewood Apartments, 151-unit Multifamily Value-Add Investment Live Deal Update Webinar
- Shorewood Apartments, 151-unit Multifamily Value-Add Investment Webinar
- Pine Grove and Woodgate Apartments, Greater Columbus, Ohio – Recording of Live Deal Update
- Pine Grove and Woodgate Apartments – Columbus, Ohio Offerings Webinar
- Smartland $100M Value-Add Fund – Webinar Recording
- Smartland acquisition deal
- On the underwriting process
- Smartland’s deal sourcing
- Secret to success in real estate
- Smartland’s IT amenities
- Smartland’s risk mitigation approach
- The future of Smartland
- Smartland’s target markets
- Investor returns
- The pros of multifamily real estate
- The history of Smartland
- Having a “success” mindset
- What’s in the future for Smartland?
- The implementation of the Ford model
- Being the best is a standard
- We are middle market maker
- What I love most about working at Smartland
- What’s corporate culture like at Smartland?
- What is your role at Smartland
- Smartland’s challenges – Steven Gesis
- What makes Smartland better?
- What is your typical day at Smartland
- Smartland track record
- On renovation process
- Smart Apartment Technology Renovations
- What are you worried about?
- What are Smartland’s unique selling points
- The pros of single-family real estate
- Property upgrade and renovations
- One of our case studies
- Smartland’s secret to success in real estate
- Smartland’s challenges – Sumit Kovoor
- Smartland’s biggest opportunities
- Risk mitigation & value creation
- How I started with smartland – Sumit Kovoor
- How do we create value?
- Habits that make you successful
- Forward-thinking amenities create revenue opportunities
- The cons of single family real estate
- The cons of multifamily real estate
- Technology-centered approach
- How we mitigate risk
- How I started with Smartland – Steven Gesis
- Electric vehicle charging for apartments
- Ecosystem building strategy
- Asset class focus
- Become a real estate tycoon
- Doing what others do not want to do
- Our long-term investment strategy
- Growing number of apartment units under management
- Focus on value for tenants and investors
- Financial success in real estate
- Evaluating an investment property potential
- Real estate underwriting criteria that works
- Spectacular pet-friendly amenities
- Adding value back to rental apartments
- How we started real estate investing
- Opportunities in real estate before Covid hit
- Holding real estate investments forever
- Full apartments renovations pay off
- How to spot a good real estate opportunity
- Bulk real estate investments
- First steps in real estate investing
- Busy professionals want to buy real estate
- Our philosophy on debt
- See what others don’t in real estate
- We are relentless
- On boosting the NOI
- We are relentless in business
- 短期租赁 vs. 长期租约:房地产投资者的最佳策略指南
- 投资混合用途物业的优缺点
- 人工智能对多户住宅房地产投资的变革性影响
- 利用人工智能进行多户投资的预测分析
- 导航美国多户家庭市场上的全球经济影响
- 如何计算多户型物业的现金收益率
- 经济不景气下的多家庭房地产投资策略
- 投资公寓楼的 7 种选择
- 扩展多户家庭投资组合的 10 种方法
- BRRRR 方法以及如何将其用于房地产投资
- 物业经理的公寓周转清单
- 公寓止赎、拍卖和税收留置权契约
- 联邦通货膨胀减少法案将如何影响商业房地产
- 快速完成公寓交接以尽量减少空置期的9个提示
- 如何在多家庭房产中实施RUBS系统
- 家族办公室房地产投资内部指南
- 多户家庭业主如何为Z世代租户做好准备
- 一份管理多住宅物业管理团队的指南
- 理解房地产投资回报度量标准
- 私募备忘录(PPM)的解剖学
- 单户住宅与多户住宅投资 – 哪个更好?
- 如何分析多户型住宅投资机会
- 被动投资者的前8大多家庭投资公司
- 购买C级公寓大楼的好处
- 如何判断房地产衰退是否即将到来?
- 房地产泡沫? 不要那么快。 为什么投资者对多户型市场保持乐观
- 随着通货膨胀的上升,多户家庭房地产会发生什么。
- 为什么你应该在20到30岁开始投资房地产
- 房地产投资方面的十本顶尖书籍
- 提高多户公寓楼 NOI 的10种方法
- 投资多户型房地产的主要原因
- 支持长期多户住宅增长的人口趋势
- 与拥有投资物业相关的税收优惠
- 如何评估房地产发起方
- 房地产投资者的成本分摊研究指南
- 最常见的商业房地产评估方法
- 了解房地产赞助商激励措施的相关知识
- 了解多家庭房地产赞助商费用
- 融资商业房地产的顶级方式
- 如何理解出售物业时的折旧回收问题
- 在多家庭房地产中,净资产净值是什么?
- 国会可能会取消”后门”Roth IRA – 这对投资者意味着什么
- 理解商业房地产中的资金堆叠。
- 关于投资物业资本化率的了解
- 7种简单的房地产投资方法
- 什么是房地产基金,我如何投资它们?
- 如何计算总租金乘数(GRM 评估)
- 投资者常犯的导致投资失败的错误
- 利用退休账户投资房地产的4种方式
- 初学者的多户房地产投资指南
- 理解IRR – 你需要知道的内容
- 什么是偿债覆盖率 (DSCR)?
- 场外收购的 5 步交易流程
- 房地产投资中的雪球债务策略
- 投资商业地产前要避免的 8 个错误
- 商业房地产中的SFR是什么?
- 如何使用 IRA 投资房地产
- “核心”和”核心加”房地产投资之间有何区别?
- 商业房地产投资中的瀑布模型是什么?
- 投资私募股权房地产前要考虑的十大风险
- 在房地产投资中,应该选择优先股权还是次级债务?
- 技术对商业地产的影响
- 商业地产的总租赁与净租赁
- 商业地产会贬值吗?
- A类、B类和C类房地产是什么?
- 投资出租房的终极指南
- 多户投资:通过增加设施增加价值
- 什么是非流动性投资?
- 什么是房地产财团
- REIT与房地产基金:你需要了解的内容。
- 如何为您的房地产投资组合提供经济衰退证明